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Teacher's Corner

You are seeking well-designed and evidence-based programs for your class. Capable provides mental health programs that aim to develop a wide range of coping strategies for elementary school children, helping them better navigate future challenges. Teachers who implement these programs in their classrooms quickly notice several benefits, including improved social and coping skills linked to academic success and a more positive classroom environment.

Why are programs?

Delivered in class by the teacher, our programs are designed to promote the emotional well-being of children aged 6 to 7 years (Zippy), 8 to 9 years (Apple), and 9 to 11 years (Passport).

Through fun activities, children develop coping strategies and social skills, equipping them to handle new or challenging situations in their daily lives.

The programs focus on the child's strengths, helping them express and manage their emotions, cope with stress more effectively, and use various coping strategies—methods or solutions that improve their well-being and enable them to thrive when facing adversity.

Observed results

Here are some changes you may notice in your student during and after their participation in our programs:

  • Improved emotional control
  •  More tools and strategies to handle daily challenges and resolve conflicts
  • Enhanced emotional well-being
  •  Increased ability to manage stress
  •  Improved communication and interactions

Join the Capable Movement!

Unlock the Power of Coping: Discover How Varied Strategies Can Lead to Lifelong Success!

Did you know that everyone employs coping strategies, tailored to their age and specific situations? Research reveals that individuals armed with a diverse range of coping techniques not only endure less distress in tough times but also emerge stronger, triumphing over life's hurdles. At Capable, we're passionate about providing children with the essential tools to navigate future challenges with confidence. Join us in shaping resilient, empowered futures!

Unlock Potential: Bring Our Programs to Your School Today!

Explore Sneak Peek Classroom Activities showcasing our programs' Themes!


Running our programs in your school


Grade 1 or 2

Zippy's Friends  is an innovative school-based mental health promotion program that enhances coping strategies and social skills in children aged 6 to 7.

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Grade 2 or 3

Apple's Friends was developed as a continuation of Zippy's Friends to enhance the skills of children aged 8 to 9. While it maintains the same approach and structure and utilizes the same characters as Zippy's Friends, Apple's Friends can run independently as a standalone program.


Grade 4 to 6 

Passport: Skills for life offers a secure environment where children aged 9 to 12 can practice coping skills while nurturing critical thinking abilities. Through interactive comic strips, we introduce themes that encourage reflection and problem-solving, providing students with opportunities to explore complex scenarios in a supportive setting.